Whether you're tech-savvy or old school, we have many convenient payment options to fit your style.
Online Banking & Mobile App
Transfer funds from your Kalsee checking or savings (FREE):
- Login or register for online banking by selecting "First Time User?" next to the login button (or call 269-382-7800).
- Once you’ve logged in, select the Pay & Transfer menu > Schedule a Transfer to move funds from your checking or savings to your loan. Follow the prompts to choose one-time or recurring payment options.
Transfer funds from your account at another financial institution ($5 per transfer for Basic members; free for Gold, Platinum, and VIP):
- Login or register for online banking by selecting "First Time User?" next to the login button (or call 269-382-7800).
- To add your account at another financial institution to your Online Banking transfer options, fill out this form and return it with a voided check or statement copy to any Kalsee office or by mail to PO Box 3006, Kalamazoo, MI 49003.
- To transfer from your account elsewhere that you’ve previously added: Login to Online Banking, select the Pay & Transfer menu > Schedule a Transfer. Your outside account will now show in your listing of accounts to transfer to/from.
Make a payment via your non-Kalsee debit card or savings/checking account (fees apply).
- Login or register for online banking by selecting "First Time User?" next to the login button (or call 269-382-7800).
- Select the loan or credit card you'd like to make a payment on.
- Select "Make a Payment via Card or ACH"
Automatic Deduction
CU*Talk Phone Banking
Transfer funds from your Kalsee checking or savings via phone by calling 877.563.1062. You’ll be asked to enter your member number and PIN. First time users, call 269.382.7800 to activate your PIN.
Pay Online via Card or ACH
Make a one-time or recurring payment from your non-Kalsee debit card or checking/savings account (fees apply).
Bill Pay from Your Financial Institution
Is your checking elsewhere? Does your financial institution offer online bill pay? Schedule your loan payments via their bill pay service. Your account number is your member number plus 3 digit account suffix. Setup your payment to mail to:
PO Box 3006
Kalamazoo, MI 49003
Stop In
Mail a Check
Mail your payment to:
Kalsee Credit Union
PO Box 3006
Kalamazoo, MI 49003
Please be sure to include your account number and 3 digit suffix.
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Click to locate a fee-free ATM near you. Did you know you can use credit union CO-OP network ATMs and fee free?