Break up with your bank without the heartache...
Pinwheel™ is our fast, free, secure portal for switching your direct deposit to Kalsee.
Switch at your convenience with our simple online tool. No paperwork. No phone calls.
Switch your direct deposit to Kalsee
How does Pinwheel work?
Pinwheel securely connects to your employer's payroll program, or to the Social Security Administration. Your information is encrypted and secure. Kalsee does not gain access to your payroll login credentials.
Who do I contact if I need help setting up my switches or if I have questions?
Call us at 269.382.7800.
More to Explore

How Do I...
Find a Branch and ATM?
Click to view our locations and hours.
Click to locate a fee-free ATM near you. Did you know you can use credit union CO-OP network ATMs and fee free?
Click to locate a fee-free ATM near you. Did you know you can use credit union CO-OP network ATMs and fee free?
Apply for a Loan or Pre-Approval?
Guard Against Identity Theft?
KALSEE Credit Union offers Comprehensive Identity Theft Protection for members and their families for only $2.99/month. Learn more about ID Protect.
Find my Routing Number?
Kalsee's routing number is #272481855. You can find it located at the bottom left of your checks.